
Malaria is highly endemic in Umphang Valley, a district in the western edge of Tak Province, along the boundary with Kayin State of Myanmar. Although there are high indigenous malaria cases in this area every year, nothing about malaria vectors and their transmission role have been investigated before this study. The objective of this work is to characterize the Anopheles species diversity and trophic behavior of malaria vectors in the transmission area of Umphang Valley. Females of Anopheles mosquitoes were collected every two months during a two-year period. Mosquito collections were using standard collection technique, indoor and outdoor human landing collections and outdoor cattle bait collection. Anopheles mosquitoes were identified using morphological characters and multiplex AS-PCR assay for the identification of sibling species within groups and complexes present. From a total of 16,468 Anopheles females, 2723 specimens (16.54%) were collected from humans and 13,745 specimens (83.46%) were captured from cattle. From human landing collections, 2447 specimens (89.86%) of Anopheles minimus were obtained, followed by 119 Anopheles peditaeniatus (4.37%), 62 Anopheles maculatus (2.28%), 17 Anopheles dirus (0.6%), 15 Anopheles aconitus (0.5%) and 6 Anopheles sawadwongporni (0.2%) respectively. Seven putative malaria vectors, including An. minimus, An. dirus, An. baimaii, An. sawadwongporni, An. maculatus, An. pseudowillmori and An. aconitus were documented from this study and trophic behavior of each respective species were observed. Such information is definitely crucial for defining the vector capacity of each single species and for designing appropriate vector prevention and control strategies against target vector species.

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