
The objective of this research was to determine bird’s abundance and diversity associated in an agricultural system at the Bahia Santa Maria La Reforma (BSM-LR), which may represent a risk to crops and/or have a value for conservation. Annual monthly samplings were conducted to determine the richness and abundance of the birds; in seven linear transects, distributed throughout the agricultural area, all birds seen and heard were recorded. Bird species were identified using the field guides for birds in Mexico and North America and binoculars (8 × 40). Richness was determined from the accumulation of species seen over the sampling time, and the specific abundance with the sum of the number of individuals seen each month. The Alpha diversity was determined using the Shannon Wiener index and the monthly abundance data for each month sampled. A total of 15,427 birds from 110 species were found. This diversity is grouped into 16 orders, 37 families and 90 genera, of which Agaleus phoeiceus,Quiscalus mexicanus, Zenaida macroura and Columbina passerina were the most abundant, accounting for 77.6% of the total Birds seen; the exotic species found were Streptopelia decaocto, Sturnus vulgaris and Passer domesticus, and 16 species are of conservation concern.

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