
Videos can be conserved on different media. However, storing on media such as films and hard disks can suffer from unexpected data loss, for instance from physical damage. Repair of missing or damaged pixels is essential for video maintenance and preservation. Most methods seek to fill in missing holes by synthesizing similar textures from local or global frames. However, this can introduce incorrect contexts, especially when the missing hole or number of damaged frames is large. Furthermore, simple texture synthesis can introduce artifacts in undamaged and recovered areas. To address aforementioned problems, we propose the diversified dynamical Gaussian process latent variable model (D2GPLVM) for considering the variety in existing videos and thus introducing a diversity encouraging prior to inducing points. The aim is to ensure that the trained inducing points, which are a smaller set of all observed undamaged frames, are more diverse and resistant for context-aware and artifacts-free based video repair. The defined objective function in our proposed model is initially not analytically tractable and must be solved by variational inference. Finally, experimental testing illustrates the robustness and effectiveness of our method for damaged video repair.

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