
This study aims to map rocks variation and geological features and identifying the geodiversity values for geotourism potential in Pergau area. Generally Pergau area is dominated by granitoid body from Noring Granite and Kenerong Leucogranite. Based on the field observation, there are five (5) variation of granites; 1) the coarse grained dominant with quartz and feldspar, 2) fine grained, 3) pink megacryst biotite granite, 4) coarse grained dominant with hornblend, and 5) foliated granite. The assesment of geoheritage values show that Pergau is basically a little too low values to be as geotourism site and the level of significance is only local to state. However, the scientific and education values are higher, which ressemble that Pergau area is very important for the research and educational site.

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