
AbstractUnderstanding the mechanisms generating diversity in mating signals is critical to understanding the process of speciation. One mechanism of mating signal diversification occurs when phenotypes that experience divergent ecological selection also affect the production of mating signals, resulting in a coupling between ecological diversification and mating signal diversification. Here, we present evidence that rapid diversification in bill size has resulted in the diversification of some components of song structure in a young adaptive radiation of seed-eating finches (red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra complex). Specifically, we find that larger-billed ecotypes sing songs with lower minimum frequencies, lower syllable repetition rates and greater vocal deviation (i.e. lower performance) than smaller-billed ecotypes for pure tonal syllables. In contrast, bill size was not correlated with maximum frequency or frequency bandwidth, and we found no relationship between bill size and any song parameters in buzzy syllables. Furthermore, we found no evidence for a relationship between the degree of bill size divergence and the potential for song discrimination between sympatric ecotypes. Because bill size is correlated with some features of pure tonal syllables (which appear to be most important for courtship in crossbills) in crossbill song, our results suggest that there was an early-evolving link between ecological and mating signal diversification that may have influenced the rapid evolution of reproductive isolation between sympatric ecotypes.

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