
The diversity, composition and structure of vegetation in a cattle landscape in Matiguás, Nicaragua was characterized, and the floristic and structural differences of six types of habitats (secondary forests, riparian forests, charrales, live fences and pastures with high and low tree cover) were compared. A total of 3 949 trees of 180 species and 52 families were recorded. Forty six percent of the total trees reported for the landscape were represented by Guazuma ulmifolia (18.5%), Bursera simaruha (13.2%), Tabebuia rosea (6.3%), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (4.2%) and Albizia saman (3.4%). Many of the dominant species in the landscape were typical of open and disturbed areas. There were significant differences between the different habitats in the patterns of tree species richness, abundance, diversity, structure and floristic composition. The riparian forests had greater tree richness (p=0.0001) and diversity (p=0.0009) than other habitats. The floristic composition varied across habitats. with pairs of habitats sharing between 18.4 and 51.6% of the same tree species, and with clear differences in composition between the forested (riparian and secondary forests) and agricultural habitats. Of the habitats studied, the riparian forests and secondary forests seem to have greatest value for the conservation of the flora in the agropaisaje because they have the greatest species richness, and maintain small populations of endangered species. On the basis of the study, we recommend including agricultural landscapes in strategies to conserve tree diversity and suggest measures to ensure the maintenance of tree diversity in the Matiguas landscape.


  • Vegetation diversity, composition and structure in a cattle agro-landscape of Matiguás, Nicaragua

  • Estos agropaisajes generalmente son dominados por una matriz de potreros o cultivos anuales, pero aún retienen alguna cobertura arbórea dispersa en forma de pequeños parches remanentes de bosques, franjas angostas de bosques ribereños (“riparios”)

  • ** Total is based on 3 949 individuals registered in 48 plots of 0.1 ha, 120 subplots of 0.005 ha and 16 plots of 1 ha

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El estudio se realizó en la cuenca del rió Bulbul del municipio de Matiguás, departamento de Matagalpa, Nicaragua En los hábitats de potreros con alta y baja cobertura se realizaron adicionalmente parcelas de 100 x m (1 ha) para medir los árboles mayores o iguales a 10 cm de dap y tener una mejor caracterización del sistema. Análisis de datos: Para cada una de las parcelas se registró el número de especies y número de individuos de árboles. El índice de Clench estimó una riqueza total de 200 especies para el paisaje de Matiguás que representa 45% de las especies del pacifico y. Solamente 15 especies de 180 ocurrieron en todos los hábitats: Guazuma ulmifolia, Bursera simaruba, Tabebuia rosea, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Albizia saman, Spondias mombin, Cordia alliodora, Genipa americana, Trichilia americana, Maclura tinctoria, Lysiloma auritum, Casearia corymbosa, Cecropia peltata, Lonchocarpus macrocarpus y Ceiba pentandra, las cuales representan 8.3% del total de especies registradas. Most common species (in order of abundance) and their land use in the Matiguás, Nicaragua

Calycophyllum candidissimum
Resultados generales en parcelas de
Zygia longifolia L
Senna skinneri
Randia armata
Casia amarilla
Varilla negra
Uva negra
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