
Previously, we characterized a gene encoding the unique nuclease (LdNuc(s)) from a Sudanese isolate of the human pathogen Leishmania donovani. This parasite secretory enzyme is involved in the salvage of host-derived purines and is constitutively expressed by both developmental forms of the parasite. Currently, we assessed whether an LdNuc(s)-like nuclease was conserved among other geographically disparate isolates of L. donovani and whether this enzyme was produced by intracellular amastigotes during human infections. Using RT-PCR and Southern blotting, we showed that LdNuc(s) gene homologs were present in each of the viscerotropic Leishmania tested (i.e., L. donovani isolates from the Sudan, Ethiopia and India as well as L. infantum). Further results of in situ enzyme activity gel analyses showed that each of these parasite isolates also expressed a released/secreted LdNuc(s)-like nuclease activity. In Western blots, our anti-LdNuc(s) (Sudan) peptide-specific antibody reacted with only a single ~35 kDa protein in each of the viscerotropic Leishmania isolates. Further, the ~35 kDa nuclease secreted by each of these isolates was specifically immunoprecipitated by the anti-LdNuc(s) antibody above. In situ gel analyses showed that each of these immunoprecipitates had LdNuc(s)-like nuclease activity. Moreover, sera from acute visceral leishmaniasis patients from India, Sudan and Brazil all immunoprecipitated an LdNuc(s)-HA expressed nuclease demonstrating, that these patients possessed antibodies against this parasite secretory enzyme. Cumulatively, these results showed that the LdNuc(s) homologs were functionally conserved among geographically disparate visceral Leishmania spp. and that amastigotes of these parasites must produce this nuclease enzyme during the course of human disease.

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