
In this paper, we study the Radhakrishnan–Kundu–Lakshmanan equation (RKLE) that plays a key role in modeling the nonlinear propagation of the light pulses. Two novel methods namely Wang’s Bäcklund transformation-based method and Wang’s direct mapping method are employed to construct the diverse exact optical soliton solutions. Abundant exact solutions like the bright soliton solution, dark soliton solutions, singular soliton solutions, algebraic solitary wave solutions and the singular periodic wave solutions expressed in the form of the rational function type, double-exp function type, Sin-Cos function type, Tan function type, Cot function type, Sinh-Cosh function type, Tanh function type, Coth function type, Sech function type, Csch function type, Sec function type and Csc function type are obtained. The dynamics of the different exact solutions are presented through the 3D plot, contour and 2D curve, and the corresponding physical interpretations are elaborated in detail. It is confirmed that the proposed methods are effective and powerful, and can be adopted to construct the optical solitons of the other PDEs arising in the optical physics.

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