
ABSTRACTBacteria and archaea are central to the production, consumption, and remineralization of dissolved and particulate organic matter and contribute critically to carbon delivery, nutrient availability, and energy transformations in the deep ocean. To explore environmentally relevant genomic traits of sinking-particle-associated versus free-living microbes, we compared habitat-specific metagenome-assembled genomes recovered throughout the water column in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The genomic traits of sinking-particle-associated versus free-living prokaryotes were compositionally, functionally, and phylogenetically distinct. Substrate-specific transporters and extracellular peptidases and carbohydrate-active enzymes were more enriched and diverse in particle-associated microbes at all depths than in free-living counterparts. These data indicate specific roles for particle-attached microbes in particle substrate hydrolysis, uptake, and remineralization. Shallow-water particle-associated microbes had elevated genomic GC content and proteome nitrogen content and reduced proteome carbon content in comparison to abyssal particle-associated microbes. An inverse trend was observed for their sympatric free-living counterparts. These different properties of attached microbes are postulated to arise in part due to elevated organic and inorganic nitrogen availability inside sinking particles. Particle-attached microbes also were enriched in genes for environmental sensing via two-component regulatory systems, and cell-cell interactions via extracellular secretion systems, reflecting their surface-adapted lifestyles. Finally, particle-attached bacteria had greater predicted maximal growth efficiencies than free-living bacterioplankton at all depths. All of these particle-associated specific genomic and proteomic features appear to be driven by microhabitat-specific elevated nutrient and energy availability as well as surface-associated competitive and synergistic ecological interactions. Although some of these characteristics have been previously postulated or observed individually, we report them together here in aggregate via direct comparisons of cooccurring free-living and sinking-particle-attached microbial genomes from the open ocean.

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