
Many dissimilar protein sequences fold into similar structures. A central and persistent challenge facing protein structural analysis is the discrimination between homology and convergence for structurally similar domains that lack significant sequence similarity. Classic examples are the OB-fold and SH3 domains, both small, modular beta-barrel protein superfolds. The similarities among these domains have variously been attributed to common descent or to convergent evolution. Using a sequence profile-based phylogenetic technique, we analyzed all structurally characterized OB-fold, SH3, and PDZ domains with less than 40% mutual sequence identity. An all-against-all, profile-versus-profile analysis of these domains revealed many previously undetectable significant interrelationships. The matrices of scores were used to infer phylogenies based on our derivation of the relationships between sequence similarity E-values and evolutionary distances. The resulting clades of domains correlate remarkably well with biological function, as opposed to structural similarity, indicating that the functionally distinct sub-families within these superfolds are homologous. This method extends phylogenetics into the challenging "twilight zone" of sequence similarity, providing the first objective resolution of deep evolutionary relationships among distant protein families.

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