
After injections in the cat of Rhodamine labelled latex microspheres in the amygdala and of Fast Blue in the cerebellum neurons labelled with one of these tracers as well as some double labelled neurons were found in the parabrachial nucleus, the nucleus locus coeruleus and some adjacent nuclei (the nucleus subcoeruleus and the pontine tegmental reticular formation). All double labelled cells were located on the ipsilateral side. A few double labelled neurons were also found bilaterally in the dorsal raphe nucleus. It therefore appears that a certain number of cerebellar projecting neurons in these brain stem nuclei by means of divergent axon collaterals also project to the amygdala. The location of the double labelled cells found in this study suggests that at least some of the neurons are catecholaminergic. The findings are related to previous reports on the distribution of catecholaminergic neurons and on the amygdaloid and cerebellar projections from this part of the brain stem, and the possible involvement of these connections in cerebellar non-somatic responses are discussed. Some comments are made concerning the use of fluorescent latex microspheres for double labelling studies in combination with another fluorescent tracer.

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