
ABSTRACT Reproductive and Child Health Program II (RCH II) is essentially the largest program within the gamut of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in India which aims to improve the maternal and child health indicators of the country. The program has evolved through various strategies and witnessed major policy changes that range from training traditional birth attendants (TBAs) to targeting 100% institutional deliveries. The TBAs who were earlier encouraged have almost eclipsed into extinction in the movement toward abolishing the practice of home deliveries. A contrasting scenario is observed in the strategies adopted under the NACP (National AIDS Control Program) like condom promotion and needle exchange which attempt to make the risky behavior safer. Applying the same rationale of NACP to RCH, one can justify the earlier practice of training TBAs and providing them with sterile kits to make home deliveries safer. While different strokes are required to solve different problems a difference in the fundamental ideology of two major National Health Programs has to be justified with solid evidence base. How to cite this article Jeyashree K, Kathirvel S, Singh A. Divergent Approaches to Health-related Behavior Change: Pampering under NACP vs Persecution under RCH II J Postgrad Med Edu Res 2013;47(3):148-149.

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