
Four complete amino acid sequences of hemoglobin β chains were determined for the swamp and the river types of the Asiatic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and two species of the subgenus Anoa in Bubalus; B. (A.) depressicornis (H. Smith, 1827), the lowland anoa, and B. (A.) quarlesi (Ouwens, 1910), the mountain anoa. The two types of the bubalis were identical in the 145 amino acid residues of the β chains and, compared to this sequence, the two residues were substituted in the depressicornis (β49Thr Ser and 134Ala Thr) and the five were in the quarlesi (β53Val Ile, 74Met Ile, 111Val Ile, 115Arg His and 134Ala Thr). While both Anoa species diverged from the bubalis by the β134Ala Thr, they differed from each other by the five substitutions. The Anoa species are endemic to Sulawesi of Indonesia. Their speciation and the present coexistence were discussed with reference to probable immigrations of two ancestral Anoa species to Sulawesi at so long interval that had caused a reproductive isolation between the two wild animals. The earlier immigrants were postulated to be ancestral to the quarlesi and the later ones to the depressicornis.

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