
Heart rate (HR) and vagally mediated heart rate variability (HRV) are two distinct biomarkers of cardiac autonomic activity. Decreased cardiac vagal activity (or decreased HRV) in particular has been linked with impairments in the functional flexibility of the central autonomic network (CAN), resulting in impaired stress and emotion regulatory capacities. Decreased HRV is widely used as trait marker of psychopathology. Repetitive engagement in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) in adolescence correlates with both deficits in stress and emotion regulation, as well as decreased HRV. Existing research has, however, focused on short-term recordings of HR and HRV under resting and phasic conditions. In this study, we examined whether diurnal variation of cardiac autonomic activity, indexed by cosinor parameters of HR and HRV derived from 48 h of ambulatory ECG recording under natural conditions over a weekend, are altered in female adolescents with NSSI disorder compared to controls (HC; N = 30 per study group). Several important confounds, including physical activity, were controlled for. Female adolescents with NSSI show higher rhythm-adjusted 24 h mean levels and greater respective amplitude of HR, as well as lower rhythm-adjusted 24 h mean levels and smaller respective amplitude of HRV. Peak levels in both HR and HRV in the NSSI group were reached approximately 1 h later compared to HC. Severity of exposure to early life maltreatment might be linked with altered amplitudes of 24 h HR and HRV. Diurnal rhythms of cardiac autonomic activity might hold promise as objective indicators of disordered stress and emotion regulation in developmental psychopathology, and as such should be investigated in future studies with rigorous assessment and control of potential confounds.

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