
Abstract The daily activity cycles of three species of sunfishes (Lepomis macrochirus, L. cyanellum, L. gibbosus) were compared by measuring hourly activity under a 12:12 light/dark cycle with half‐hour dawn and dusk periods. Two different feeding times were also tested. Time‐series analyses showed a strong 24 hour component in the activity cycles of all three species, although an analysis of ARIMA models indicated that green sunfish activity was less predictable from hour to hour than was that of the other two species. The distribution of activity over the light/dark cycle was similar for pumpkinseed and green sunfish, both species exhibiting generally diurnal activity cycles with a tendency toward crepuscular peaks. Overall activity was higher for bluegill sunfish than for green or pumpkinseed sunfish, and bluegills exhibited a higher level of activity during the dark portion of the cycle than did the other two species.

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