
Distyly in Neanotis indica (DC.) W.H. Lewis. (Rubiaceae) a distyous species with Pin eyed flowers (long style and inserted stamens in the corolla tube) and thrum eyed flowers with (exerted anthers and inserted style) accompanied by self-incompatibility in both floral forms but cross-compatibility is described for the first time. The population composition shows panmixis at several locations at Sim’s Parks, Coonoor, Ootacamund, Tamil Nadu, India. Distyly is a reciprocal mechanical arrangement of style and stamen heights accompanied by an array of contrasting differences in pollen and stigma papillae dimorphism accompanied by physiological incompatibility. The pin and thrum morphs are self-incompatible but cross-compatible in nature. Based on the data, it is suggested that the S-supergene of heterostyly controls the genetic architecture in the species.

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