
The Purpose: To examine the state of thrombocytic and coagulation hemostasis among patients withimmune microthrombovasculitis.Materials and Method: The study included 75 patients with immune microthrombovasculitis. Amongthem, rmen - 24 (32%), women - 51 (68%), the average age is 42.4±1.3 years. The control group consistedof 15 practically healthy persons.Results and Discussion: A study of coagulation hemostasis among patients with immunemicrothrombovasculitis showed the presence of hypercoagulation shift with the increase of fibrinogenconcentration, prothrombin index, shortening of the active partial thromboplastin time and blood clottingtime, the appearance of hybrid monolith complexes - level increase of D-dimer positive ethanol test.Conclusions: The most common clinical form of IMTV is the skin-joint form of the disease (62.2%),89.3% of patients were admitted with an acute form of the disease. Women get sick twice as often (67.3%)than men (32.7%), the highest incidence is in the young age group from 18 to 49 years (87.3%). There ishypercoagulability in case of immune microthrombovasculitis.

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