
The localizations and distributions of two forms of cytochrome P-450 (PB-B and MC-B), NADPH-cytochrome c (P-450) reductase, epixide hydratase, cytochrome b 5, and hepatic ferredoxin were investigated within the livers of untreated male rats employing both an unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique and an indirect fluorescent antibody method. In both immunohistochemical procedures, staining for each enzyme was detected throughout the liver lobule, but differences were noted in the intensities of immunostaining for each enzyme in hepatocytes within the three regions of the lobule. After indirect fluorescent antibody staining, the relative extents of binding of each antibody to centrilobular, midzonal, and periportal hepatocytes were determined. These semi-quantitative determinations revealed that each enzyme exhibits a nonuniform patters of intralobular distribution within the livers of untreated male rats.

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