
Abstract The distributions of lizards across habitat edges delimiting open‐forest and regenerating sand‐mined areas as a function of distance from the edge were studied at Tomago, New South Wales, Australia. Pitfall‐trapping was used to survey lizards across the northern edges of four forest fragments, to determine if lizards displayed characteristic responses across the edge, and whether these could be explained by the different habitat conditions. At each site, 11 equally spaced drift fences (each parallel to the edge) were arranged in a transect running perpendicular to the edge, and stretching 50 m into each habitat type. Captures of Amphibolurus muricatus (Agamidae) decreased substantially across the edge from the mine‐path to the forest so that it was identified as a mine‐path specialist lizard species. Captures of two skink species decreased across the mine‐path before reaching the edge, and were not caught (Ctenotus taeniolatus) or were seldom caught (Ctenotus robustus) in the forest, so they were identified as mine‐path specialist, edge avoiding, lizard species. Captures of Lampropholis delicata (Scincidae) increased across edges into the forest, consistent with the expectation for a forest specialist. Regression analyses indicated the responses to edges of three lizard species (A. muricatus, C. robustus and C. taeniolatus) were negatively correlated with canopy cover (probably due to its influence on temperature, as captures of A. muricatus and C. robustus were also correlated positively with mean daily temperature). In addition, the response of C. robustus correlated negatively with a vegetation factor (dense, even vegetation in the first 50 cm from ground level). The response of L. delicata correlated positively with understorey height. We have identified edge response strategies for four species of lizards across edges delimiting temperate open‐forest and mined areas, and identified habitat and microclimate variables that may have driven these responses.

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