
Indian subcontinent hosts three critically endangered Gyps vultures, namely; Gyps bengalensis, Gyps indicus, and Gyps tenuirostris. In the present review, we analyzed all previously published articles on geographic distribution, population trend and threats related to these three gyps vultures. In our analysis, we found that, these three species are reported mostly from India, Nepal and Bangladesh. These species are under a lot of environmental pressure, such as poisoning, habitat destruction, food shortages, electrocution and so on. These mentioned environmental factors are causing shrinkage of their distribution range as well decrease of individual numbers in last few decades. Their population is currently declining, with varying rate in different countries indicating that the three species of resident Gyps vultures in the Indian Subcontinent are still in great peril and require continuous conservation and appropriate management action plans to bring the population back to stable trend and to save these species from possible extinction.

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