
Colpomenia peregrina is an annual brown macroalga found in temperate waters worldwide. To understand population differentiation and to reconstruct pathways of colonization/introduction, we analyzed variation in two mitochondrial protein-coding genes, cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (cox3) and ATP synthase F0 subunit 6 (atp6), and cp RuBisCO spacer. A total of 359 cox3, 342 atp6, and 38 RuBisCO spacer sequences from Colpomenia peregrina were obtained for samples collected at 28 sites from 12 countries. The combined cox3 + atp6 sequences (1,231 bp) revealed 99 polymorphic sites and 69 haplotypes. An mt haplotype network revealed four distinct groups, separated by 7 to 26 mutation steps. NW Pacific populations were present in each group (but dominant in one), whereas SW Pacific and the Atlantic populations each were present in one group. The network and phylogenetic analyses, along with patterns of genetic diversity, suggested a NW Pacific center of origin, expanding first to the SW Pacific, then the NE Pacific, and most recently to the north Atlantic. A generalized skyline plot revealed a dramatic population expansion of the species ca. 20 kya.

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