
During the expedition EASIZ II with RV ‘POLARSTERN’ in 1998 a multibox corer yielded 151 quantitative samples from 26 stations between 120 and 2415 m water depth for benthic community analysis. From this material a total of 235 polychaete species out of 37 families was determined. Forty-seven species are new to science. The polychaete fraction contributed 41.9% to total benthic abundance and 6.5% to total benthic biomass at these stations. Overall mean polychaete abundance (ind m−2) and biomass (g wet weight m−2) at the stations were 1617 and 49, respectively.Multidimensional scaling procedure clearly grouped the stations into south-eastern Weddell Sea shelf stations, deep-water stations, and stations mostly around the Antarctic Peninsula. Differences between these groups existed in terms of polychaete abundance and biomass as well as species composition, diversity, and evenness.

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