
Economic growth in Indonesia has experienced fluctuating growth, especially in recent years has decreased. Meanwhile, when viewed in terms of the distribution of Zakat funds, as well as Infaq and also Shadaqah and the Human Development Index experienced growth from year to year. This situation is expected to encourage economic growth in Indonesia. But in fact, economic growth has decreased. This study aims to analyze the influence of zakat, infaq and shadaqah fund disbursements as well as the Human Development Index in encouraging economic growth. By using quantitative methods with multiple linear regression data analysis. Data used from 2002-2021 which includes annual data. The results of this study show that the distribution of ZIS funds shows a negative and significant influence on Economic Growth. And the Human Development Index also has a negative but not significant effect. Simultaneously, the distribution of ZIS funds and the Human Development Index shows a positive and significant influence on economic growth variables.

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