
In the second part, we selected 50 native vascular plant taxa from 44 genera and 24 families. The selected 49 species and one subspecies are belonging to the genera Acanthophyllum C.A.Mey., Aegopodium L., Anabasis L., Anemone L., Antennaria Gaern., Aquilegia L., Armeria (DC.) Willd., Astragalus L., Atriplex L., Camphorosma L., Caragana Lam., Cardamine L., Chamaerhodos Bunge, Chesniella Boriss., Cicerbita Wallr., Crucihimalaya Al-Shehbaz, O'Kane & R.A.Price, Delphinium Tourn., Galium L., Gentiana Tourn., Geum L., Glaucium Mill., Gypsophila L., Halocnemum M.Bieb., Hyssopus L., Incarvillea Juss., Iris Tourn., Lagochilus Bunge, Leiospora (C.A.Mey) F.Dvorak, Leonurus L., Limonium Mill., Lysimachia Tourn., Micranthes Haw., Pedicularis L., Phlomoides Moench, Phlox L., Rhododendron L., Rosa L., Sajanella Sojak, Saposhnikovia Schischk., Saussurea Salisb., Scirpus Tourn., Stellaria L., Stenosolenium Turcz., Tofieldia Huds., and Typha L. The most of species are found in Asian countries. The endemism, global and regional distribution, natural habitat, and conservation status of each species are provided.

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