
Larvae of the Simulium metallicum complex (Diptera: Simuliidae) were collected from three foci of human onchocerciasis in Mexico. Specimens were separated into five different cytotypes, identified by morphological characteristics (head pattern and body colour) or polytene chromosome features. Differences were found between foci in the cytotype composition of the S. metallicum complex. Nearly all specimens were cytotype A in the Chamula (97%) and Soconusco (86%) foci. In the Oaxaca focus, however, cytotype I predominated (63%) with 14% cytotype A. Cytotype I comprised only 6% of specimens in the Soconusco focus and was very rare in the Chamula focus. Cytotypes B and H occurred only rarely in all three foci. Cytotype X was found only in Oaxaca. Environmental variables were measured at the collection sites and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to investigate the associations of cytotype distributions with the following factors: stream size, amount of shade, water clarity, pH, temperature and altitude. Members of the S. metallicum species complex were found to be differentially distributed according to stream conditions and there was a significant correlation between their distributions and the environmental variables. The most important factor in canonical axis 1 of the CCA was pH (t-value -4.38) with temperature (-2.48) and altitude (2.19) having some influence, but the other variables were unimportant. In the second canonical axis, pH (-3.52) was the only variable having a significant effect. Thus, cytotype A was associated with high pH, high temperature and low altitude; B was associated with similar sites but with higher temperatures and at lower average elevations. Cytotype H was found at the centres of the ranges of these variables, I at sites with the lowest temperatures and highest altitudes and X in rivers with the lowest pH.

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