
AbstractA spot distribution map of Dryomys nitedula in Europe is presented, based on a critical evaluation of published information from the various countries of Europe. In addition, maps which are numbered to identify localities were prepared for regions where Dryomys nitedula distribution was largely unknown until now. The species has a unique distribution, ranging from the Alps in the west to the foothills of the Urals in the east, and from southern Latvia in the north as far south as Calabria and Peloponnisos. The species' reported vertical range is from sea level in the Balkans to the subalpine belt in the Alps. The presence of Dryomys nitedula in Europe can be traced back to the beginning of the Pleistocene, but its recent distributional area does not coincide with climatic factors, nor with the distribution of vegetation communities. Possible competition with Eliomys quercinus is discussed as a factor affecting the peripheral range distribution of Dryomys nitedula.

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