
EDTA-soluble fractions were obtained from serial sections of rabbit incisor dentine. The amounts of protein in each extract were measured and their amino acid composition determined. Changes in composition and amount of protein were found and 3 zones could be differentiated. Zone 1, from the immature end of the root to approx. 1 3rd of the way along the incisor, contained low levels of protein, predominantly of the anionic glycoprotein type. Zone 2, from zone 1 to approx. 1 2 way along the incisor near an opaque boundary, contained higher levels of protein with a much greater proportion of the less-acidic glycoproteins. The 3rd zone, from zone 2 to the incisive edge, appeared to consist of a mixture of non-collagenous matrix protein together with further protein material, possibly of pulpal origin.

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