
Glycosylation of ApoC-III modulates its function in TG metabolism, with some variants being associated with a more atherogenic lipid profile. These associations have been studied in whole plasma but rarely in individual lipoprotein fractions. In this study, we aimed to measure the relative content of ApoC-III glycoforms in each lipoprotein fraction as a potential biomarker for TG metabolism and cardiovascular risk. Lipoprotein fractions were separated by differential ultracentrifugation of plasma samples from healthy subjects. Relative concentrations of seven ApoC-III variants were measured by MSIA. ApoC-III1, ApoC-III0b and ApoC-III2 were the most abundant glycoforms. There was high interindividual variability in the distribution of glycoforms across the study population but a uniform proportion in all lipoprotein fractions of each given subject. Two ApoC-III variants, ApoC-III0b and ApoC-III1d, negatively correlated with plasma and VLDL triglycerides irrespectively of VLDL size and were associated with increased LDL size when transported in LDL particles. ApoC-III0b also showed a negative correlation with lipoprotein-insulin resistance score. We have been able to measure seven ApoC-III glycoforms in each lipoprotein fraction, setting the basis for future studies exploring their role on cardiovascular risk. Some glycoforms suggest a less proatherogenic role on TG and lipoprotein metabolism. SignificanceApo CIII has an important role on plasma TG metabolism through different mechanisms and it is also involved in type 1 and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Different glycosylated forms of Apo CIII exist and they show different roles. For this reason, this protein has gained interest in the las years and the relationship between ApoC-III glycoforms and lipids, lipoproteins and metabolic disorders has been increasingly studied in the last years.Apo CIII glycoforms have been previously analysed in plasma, and the function of the main four glycoforms has been assessed in a variety of cohorts; but in the present study, ApoC-III glycoforms are measured in each lipoprotein fraction, which may be of clinical interest.

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