
Lower concentrations of total serum zinc (540 +/- 111 mug/1, mean +/- SEM), and of albumin-bound serum zinc (295 +/- 113 mug/1) and a higher concentration of alpha2-macroglobulin-bound zinc (245 +/- 69 mug/1) were found in 25 patients with decompensated hepatic cirrhosis, compared to 28 healthy subjects (835 +/- 91; 679 +/- 83; 156 +/- 27 mug/1 respectively). Levels of total and albumin-bound zinc were significantly and positively correlated with serum albumin levels. Higher levels of alpha2-macroglobulin-bound zinc were associated with higher levels of alpha2-macroglobulin in these patients (2.8 +/- 0.8 g/1) compared to normals (2.3 +/- 0.6). Hence, not only do decompensated cirrhotics exhibit a lower serum zinc level but a greater proportion of this zinc is associated with the tightly bound, and presumably metabolically more inert, serum fraction. This situation exaggerates the zinc deficiency state of the severe cirrhotic.

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