
Flavonoids have gained much attention because of their proposed positive effects for human health. Onions are a rich source of flavonoids, consisting mainly of the major flavonols quercetin-3,4′-O-diglucoside (QDG) and quercetin-4′-O-monoglucoside (QMG) in the bulb and the aglycone quercetin in the outer scales. In this study, distribution of these three flavonoids was determined in 16 onion cultivars (Allium cepa) using HPLC–DAD. Three different parts of the onion bulb, the inner layers, the middle layers and the outer scales were analysed. The analysis showed varietal differences in the selected onion cultivars. The cultivars with the highest total flavonoid content were the red skinned ‘Red Baron’ and the yellow skinned cultivars ‘Ailsa Craig’ and ‘Prilep’. The distribution of the total flavonoid content in the different parts of the onion bulb showed the following order: middle layers > outer scales > inner layers. In the inner layers QDG was the major flavonoid, while in the middle layers QDG and QMG were in equal amounts. In the outer scales quercetin was the major flavonoid prior to QMG.

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