
The immunocytochemical distribution of authentic proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of Rana esculenta was determined with antisera directed toward different epitopes of preproenkephalin. The pattern of proenkephalinlike immunoreactivity was similar with antisera directed toward [Met5]-enkephalin, [Met5]-enkephalin-Arg6, [Met5]-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7, [Leu5]-enkephalin, and metorphamide; however, the intensity of the labelling varied depending on the target antigen. Proenkephalin-containing perikarya were located in all major subdivisions of the brain except the metencephalon. In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the dorsal, medial, and lateral pallium; the medial septal nucleus; the dorsal and ventral striatum; and the amygdala. In the diencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the preoptic nucleus, in the dorsal and ventral caudal hypothalamus, and in an area that appeared to be homologous to the paraventricular nucleus. In the mesencephalon, numerous immunoreactive perikarya were detected in layer 6 of the optic tectum and a few scattered perikarya were detected in layer 4 of the optic tectum. Immunoreactive perikarya also occurred in the laminar nucleus of the torus semicircularis. In the rhombencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were detected in the obex region and the nucleus of the solitary tract. Immunoreactive fibers of varying density were observed in all major subdivisions of the brain with the densest accumulations of fibers occurring in the dorsal pallium, the lateral and medial forebrain bundles, the amygdala, the periventricular hypothalamus, the superficial region of the caudolateral brainstem, and in a tract that appeared to be homologous to the tractus solitarius. The extensive system of proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the brain of an amphibian showed many similarities to the distribution of proenkephalin-containing perikarya and nerve fibers previously described for the amniote brain.

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