
The distribution of neurokinin A-like immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the diencephalon of the cat was studied using an indirect immunoperoxidase technique. A high or moderate density of immunoreactive neurons was observed in the nuclei habenularis lateralis, median's dorsalis, parafascicularis, hypothalamus posterior, area hypothalamica dorsalis, hypothalamus lateralis, periventricularis hypothalami, above the corpus mamillare, and in the perifornical area, whereas scarce immunoreactive perikarya were visualized in the nuclei reuniens, hypothalami ventromedialis, hypothalamus dorsomedialis, and mamillaris lateralis. The highest density of fibers containing neurokinin A was found in the nuclei periventricularis anterior, rhomboidens, centralis medialis, periventricularis hypothalami, and supraopticus. In the regio praeoptica, area hypothalamica dorsalis, hypothalamus posterior, and in the perifornical area a moderate density of immunoreactive fibers was observed, whereas the nuclei habenularis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, mamillaris lateralis, parataenialis, reuniens, habenularis medialis, filiformis, hypothalamus dorsomedialis, hypothalami ventromedialis, arcuatus, and suprachiasmaticus showed a low density of neurokinin A immunoreactive fibers.

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