
Objectives: To know the distribution of IOL power among cataract patients attending tertiary care eye hospital. Materials and Methods: A hospital based prospective study was conducted on 2788 cataract patients attending tertiary care eye hospital from March 2022 to November 2022. All patients were subjected to detailed history taking and ocular examination. Age, gender, operating eye and power of IOL were noted. Results: A total number of 2788 cataract patients were recruited for this study. Out of 2788 patients, 1644 (59%) were females and 1144 (41%) were males. Majority of the patients were in the age group of 51-65yrs (54.9%) followed by 36-50yrs (22.2%) with female predominance. Among 2788 patients with cataracts the operating eye was right eye for 51.6% & Left eye for remaining ones. In all age groups commonest IOL power is in the range of 19 to 23D,the most common IOL Power in the age group 51-65yrs ,36-50yrs & 21-35yrs is 21.5D where as in 66-80yrs is 21D. The highest IOL Power notes of age groups 51-65yrs is 34.5D, 36-50yrs is 29D, 66-80yrs is 33D, 21-35yrs is 25D & <20yrs is 32D where as the lowest IOL Powers for the above age groups is 1D,3D,1D,10D & 16D respectively. The overall mean IOL power noted is 21.2D. The median IOL power noted in >80yrs is 22D higher than the other age groups which may be due to decreasing axial length and anterior chamber depth with increasing age. The required IOL power is higher in females (mean IOL Power 21.5D) than males (mean IOL power is 21D) which may be due to shorter axial length in females. No difference noted in IOL Powers between Right & left eye. Conclusion: Based on our study we conclude that the commonest age group presenting with Cataract is 51-65yrs with female preponderance. The commonest mean of IOL power noted is 21.2D. Females are requiring more IOL power than males which may be due to their shorter axial length and shallow AC depth. Highest mean IOL power among all is noted in age group >80yrs, which may be due to decreasing Axial length with increasing age. There is no difference noted in mean IOL power between Right & Left Eye. This study concludes that IOL power requirement varies with Age, Gender and Ethnicity. Calculation of IOL power should be done with utmost care to avoid post-operative refractive errors.

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