
A light microscopic study of the cellular localization of GABA in the thalamus of the squirrel monkey ( Saimiri sciureus) was undertaken by means of the indirect peroxidase-antiperoxidase method using a highly purified antiserum directed against GABA-glutaraldehyde-lysyl-protein conjugate. GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies and axon terminals were visualized in all thalamic nuclei in the squirrel monkey but their relative density varied from one nucleus to the other. At the level of the anterior nuclear group, GABA-positive cells and terminals abounded in the anterodorsal nucleus but were much less numerous in the anteromedial and anteroventral nuclei. In the nuclei of the ventral group, GABA-immunoreactive cells were found to be smaller and less numerous than nonimmunoreactive neurons. In the ventral anterior nucleus, GABA-positive neuronal profiles formed typical clusters, whereas they were more uniformly distributed in the posterior nuclei of the ventral group. In the intralaminar nuclei, GABA-immunoreactive cells and terminals abounded in the dorsal portion of the paracentral and centrolateral nuclei, whereas more caudally, GABA-positive terminals pervaded the entire parafascicular nucleus. In the mediodorsal nucleus, GABA-positive cell bodies and axon terminals formed typical clusters of various sizes scattered within the lateral parvocellular portion of the nucleus, while GABA-immunoreactive neuronal profiles were less numerous and more uniformly distributed in the medial portion of this structure. In the nuclei of the posterior group, GABA-immunoreactive neuronal profiles were uniformly distributed except in the pulvinar where they abounded in the inferior and oral parts but were scarce in the medial part. In the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the magnocellular layers received the most massive GABA-positive innervation and contained the largest number of GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies. In the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, GABA-positive cells occurred only ventrolaterally while GABA-immunoreactive terminals pervaded the entire structure. In the medial geniculate nucleus, GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies and terminals abounded particularly within the ventromedial third of the structure. In the habenula, a few GABA-immunoreactive cell bodies and numerous GABA-positive terminals were scattered throughout the lateral habenular nucleus, whereas only a few GABA-immunoreactive terminals surrounded the closely packed unreactive cells in the medial habenular nucleus. In contrast to other thalamic nuclei all neurons in the reticular nucleus displayed GABA immunoreactivity. Moreover, GABA-positive cells of the reticular nucleus were found to be significantly larger than those in the adjoining thalamic nuclei. The results of the present study reveal that GABA-immunoreactive neurons are much more numerous and more widely distributed in the thalamus of the squirrel monkey than in that of the rat and the cat. This neurotransmitter may thus play a crucial role in the processing of information at the level of various thalamic nuclei in primates.

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