
Introduction. The article presents the regularities of particles distribution of fire extinguishing powder fractions in the cross sections of the simulated unregulated non-stationary gas stream. The distance from the fire extinguisher cut which the stream is most stable in terms of the content of fire extinguishing powder particles is determined. There are works in which the physical and chemical properties of fire-extinguishing powders are considered, the movement of powder particles in the stream is modeled, the influence of the fractional composition of the powder on its fire-extinguishing capacity is determined. At the same time distribution of powder fractions during its movement in gas-powder stream is not considered. The purpose of the present work is to find ways to improve the efficiency of powder extinguishers by controlling the distribution of powder fractions in a non-stationary gas stream.Materials and methods. Experimental study installation consists of coordinate table oriented perpendicular to gas-powder stream direction. The table is equipped with collectors that allow to collect powder samples at control points of flow cross-section. Food sodium chloride (further — salt) was used in the experiment. Its characteristics correspond to GOST R 53280.4–2009 and allow to apply it as a model. The coordinate table was installed sequentially at a distance of 500, 750, 1000 and 1250 mm from the fire extinguisher cut. Next, a shot of salt with a known fractional composition was supplied with a fire extinguisher model to a coordinate table and the retained powder samples were taken. The mass and fractional composition of the samples collected by each collector were then determined. Stability of the particle distribution in the gas stream by statistical analysis (by Fischer’s criterion) was measured for their content.Conclusions. Regularities of different fire extinguishing powder fractions distribution in cross section of non-regulated non-stationary gas stream are established and analytically described. These regularities can be used in finding ways to regulate fire extinguishing powder fractions during fire extinguishing. The most representative and stable in accuracy (correctness and precision) results of powder fractions content in the section of non-stationary gas stream at a distance of 1000 mm from the fire extinguisher cut. This should be taken into account in further research.


  • The article presents the regularities of particles distribution of fire extinguishing powder fractions in the cross sections of the simulated unregulated non-stationary gas stream

  • The distance from the fire extinguisher cut which the stream is most stable in terms of the content of fire extinguishing powder particles is determined

  • The purpose of the present work is to find ways to improve the efficiency of powder extinguishers by controlling the distribution of powder fractions in a non-stationary gas stream

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Ðåçóëüòàòû è èõ îáñóæäåíèå
Õàðàêòåðèñòèêà îãíåòóøàùåãî ïîðîøêà Fire extinguishing powder characteristic
No of experiment
Ôðàêöèÿ Fraction
Significant deviation
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