
The differentiation of distinct myotube fiber types in chick limb muscle development is coincident with innervation. The role of motoneurons in influencing fiber type differentiation was analyzed by causing chick hind limb muscles to be innervated by inappropriate motoneurons and then examining experimental muscles for changes in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types. Motoneuron innervation of limb muscles was altered by performing either limb shifts, limb reversals, or large spinal cord reversals on early neural tube or limb bud stage chick embryos. The distribution of fiber types was then analyzed in muscles from stage 36 (E10) to stage 45 (E20) embryos after processing hind limb sections for myosin ATPase histochemistry. In the majority of experimental muscles examined ( 267 312 ), the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types was unaltered. In the remaining experimental muscles (14%), alterations in the distribution of myosin ATPase fiber types occurred, indicating that in some cases, foreign innervation may alter the developmental program of differentiating myotubes. The results suggest that myotubes differentiate myosin ATPase staining characteristics according to an intrinsic program and that these differentiating myotubes are selectively innervated by motoneurons of the appropriate type under most conditions including normal development. Under exceptional circumstances of motoneuron-muscle fiber type mismatch, embryonic motoneurons can alter fiber type expression.

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