
Aim/objective: The study is to determine the distribution of Ear, Nose and Throat lesions in the university of Calabar Teaching hospital (UCTH) as recorded in the Department of Pathology. Background: Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are responsible for considerable morbidity among infants and young children. Acute infections of upper respiratory as well as recurrent disease and disorder of Ear, Nose and Throat are more common in early stages of life. In developing countries, otorhinolaryngological services are overcrowded, with patients suffering from acute and chronic complaints. Methodology: The study consists of all patients who presented ENT lesions seen in the pathology Department of University of Calabar Teaching Hospital from 2009-2019. The data obtained was analysed Results: The data collected were for a period of eleven years (2009-2019). A total of 1051 lesions were seen. Adenoid and tonsil (throat) were the most common lesion; followed by nasal and paranasal sinus and then other regions. There were more benign lesions than malignant and inflammatory. The peak incidence of the lesions was in 2012. Conclusion: Our study showed throat as the most common location of ENT lesion. There is a need for the Nigerian otolaryngologist to embark on a national survey of ENT diseases, so as to find the probable aetiological factors, establish regional variation in the incidence of ENT diseases and to stimulate research into the development of preventive measures.

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