
Abstract In natural waters, dissolved oxyanions often dominate over the particle-bound element fraction. Still, the scavenging of oxyanions by suspended particles might contribute significantly to their dynamic cycling and distribution. To investigate how oxyanions are affected by manganese (Mn) redox cycling, detailed depth profiles across the pelagic redox zone at the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea, were collected for molybdenum (Mo), vanadium (V), and tungsten (W), for both dissolved ( 0.22 μm) fractions. All three oxyanions show a non-conservative behavior in the stratified Landsort Deep. Strong linear correlations with Mn in the particulate fraction in the redox zone of the Landsort Deep suggest that Mn redox cycling influences their distribution. In the dissolved fraction, Mo, V, and W exhibited rather different behavior. Molybdenum was depleted below the redox zone, while V was depleted only within the redox zone. Tungsten concentrations increased within the redox zone, being three times higher in the sulfidic zone than in the surface water. Unlike Mo, W shows no tendency for adsorption or co-precipitation under the prevailing weak sulfidic conditions in the deep water of the Landsort Deep and is, therefore, not exported to the underlying sediment. The Landsort Deep data were compared with data from the northern Baltic Sea (Bothnian Bay, Kalix River and Rane River estuaries), where particulate iron (Fe) occurs in high abundance. The particulate fractions of Mo, V, and W decreased during mixing in these estuaries. Vanadium showed the most drastic reduction, with a decrease in dissolved and particulate fractions, indicating that different processes influence the distribution of these oxyanions.

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