
Data on the distribution of marine mammals, including beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas Pallas, 1766), in the Arctic are scarce because of various causes and conditions, including the vast expanses of the region, its poor accessibility, severe climate, long polar night, and high cost of research. Nevertheless, the results of aerial observations during ice reconnaissance and onboard observations during sea voyages (Kleinenberg et al., 1964; Geptner et al., 1976; Belikov, Boltunov, and Gorbunov, 2002; Belikov and Boltunov, 2002; Ezhov, 2005; Matishov and Ognetov, 2006; Biologiya i okeanografiya…, 2007; Lukin and Ognetov, 2009) have provided a general idea of the distribution pattern of beluga whales in the Russian Arctic seas. More detailed data concern the distribution of these whales in the White Sea, where aerial surveys of the water area were performed previously and have been resumed in recent years (Nazarenko et al., 2008; Glazov et al., 2010, 2011). The relevant data on the Barents, Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian seas are much poorer. In the summer (ice-free) period, beluga whales concentrate in coastal waters. They have been recorded most frequently off Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Vaygach Island, and in Czech Bay in the Barents Sea; in Baydaratskaya Bay, Gulf of Ob, and Yenisei Gulf in the Kara Sea; off the northeastern coast of Taimyr and in estuaries of the Anabar, Olenyok, and Lena rivers in the Laptev Sea; and in the estuaries of the Indigirka (where the whales come from the west) and the Kolyma and Ked’ma rivers (where they come from the east) in the East Siberian Sea. The amount of information obtained in other seasons is very limited. In autumn, mass migration of beluga whales from the Kara Sea to the Barents Sea have been recorded in the Karskie Vorota Strait and off Cape Zhelaniya in the north of Novaya Zemlya. In winter, almost no records of these whales have been made in the Kara, Laptev, and East Siberian seas. These data are based on previous observations and have practically not been complemented in recent years.

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