
The neuropeptide APGWamide is involved in the control of the reproductive behavior in molluscs. Using immunocytochemistry, we investigated the distribution of APGWa-immunoreactive neurons in the brain and reproductive organs of adult male and female specimen of Idiosepius pygmaeus. The study showed that the APGWamide-immunoreactive neurons and fibers are localized in the dorsal basal and vertical lobes of the supraesophageal mass, the palliovisceral lobe of the posterior subesophageal mass and olfactory lobe of the optic tract in male brains, with the highest number of APGWamide-immunoreactive neurons in the palliovisceral and olfactory lobes. In females, only the palliovisceral and olfactory lobes contained APGWa-immunoreactive neurons. The number of APGWamide-immunoreactive neurons in male I. pygmaeus brain is significantly higher than in females. Furthermore, APGWamide-immunoreactive fibers are localized exclusively in male reproductive organs and mantle muscles. Together these data suggest a role for APGW-amide in the control of male reproduction.

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