
Background and Objectives:Anaerobic bacteria are a common cause of endogenous infections, some of which can be life threatening. These bacteria are not easily cultured and isolated and often cannot even found from infected sites. Delayed or inappropriate treatment of these microorganisms can lead to failure in eradicating these infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of anaerobic bacteria at present and their pattern of sensitivity to several antibiotics.Materials and Methods:A retrospective study was conducted over a period of two years on various specimens. Specimens derived from body fluids are inoculated on a BacT/Alert (bioMérieux). Anaerobic isolates were identified by Gram staining and continued identification using Vitek 2® automated system. Antibiotic sensitivity examination was carried out using ATBTM ANA (bioMérieux).Results:A total of 440 specimens were received in microbiology laboratory for anaerobic culture from patients with multiple infections from 13 hospitals in Jakarta. Our research was able to identify 18 species on anaerobic bacteria, consisting 52.5% Gram positive and 47.5% Gram negative bacteria. The most common bacteria found were Clostridium perfringens (15%) from Gram positive and Provetella bivia (10%) from Gram negative. The sensitivity pattern shows that antibiotic piperacilline-tazobactam is 100% effective against anaerobic bacteria, while metronidazole as the drug of choice is only 75% effective. Against Gram positive, several antibiotics such as piperacilline-tazobactam, ticarcilin-clavunic acid, cefoxitin, cefotetan, imipenem and chloramphenicol were 100% effective, however metronidazole occupied the lowest position (61.9%). Meanwhile against Gram negative antibiotics piperacilline-tazobactam is 100% effective and chloramphenicol in the second position (94.75%).Conclusion:Clostridium perfringens and Provetella bivia are the most common bacteria found. The antibiotics piperacilline-tazobactam is 100% effective against both Gram positive and negative. The accuracy of specimen management, isolation, identification and sensitivity examination will determine the successful microbiological investigations.

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