
Various subnuclei of the rat's thalamus were punched out or finely microdissected from frozen coronal sections of brain and assayed for γ-aminobutyrate by microdansylation. Highest levels were recorded in the ventromedial and parafascicular regions, corresponding to the sites of termination of nigrothalamic neurones. One week after placing a unilateral electrolytic lesion in the zona reticulata of the substantia nigra there were significant decreases in γ-aminobutyrate levels in the ipsilateral ventromedial (−14%) and parafascicular (−11%) nuclei, but not in other nuclei tested. Falls in the level of γ-aminobutyrate of 19–26% were found to be confined to the ventromedial region in microdissections of brain slices containing this nucleus, two weeks after injecting 1 μg kainic acid into the substantia nigra. The concentrations of glutamate, aspartate, glutamine, glycine and alanine were not altered in the deafferented ventromedial thalamus. Pathological effects of kainate were registered as a complete loss of neuronal perikarya at the injection site coupled with intense gliosis. Mild gliosis, but no postsynaptic neuronal damage, was visible in the corresponding ventromedial and parafascicular nuclei in the thalamus, although degenerating electron-dense terminal boutons were occasionally seen in electron micrographs of this tissue. In rats in which thalamic glutamate decar☐ylase activity was inhibited by systemic injection of 3-mercaptopropionic acid, trains of biphasic electrical pulses delivered to the nigra (100 Hz, 0.1 mA, width 0.6 ms for 15 min) evoked a stimulus-dependent decrease in ventromedial (−17%) and parafascicular (−10%) γ-aminobutyrate content, but not in that of other thalamic nuclei. Similar post-stimulus falls in the level of γ-aminobutyrate in the ventromedial nucleus were noted after direct stereotaxic injection of this nucleus with the enzyme inhibitor. These findings are consistent with the existence of γ-aminobutyrate-containing nigrothalamic fibres whose cell bodies lie in the medial part of the substantia nigra zona reticulata and which terminate in the ventromedial and parafascicular nuclear regions of the thalamus.

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