
Aconite is a well-known toxic-plant containing Aconitum alkaloids such as aconitines, benzoylaconines, and aconins. We describe here the distribution of Aconitum alkaloids detected by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in three autopsy cases of suicide by aconite poisoning. Case 1: a male in his fifties had eaten aconite leaves. The concentrations of jesaconitine in cardiac blood, urine, and kidney were 12.1ng/ml, 993.0ng/ml, and 114.2ng/g, respectively. Case 2: a female in her fifties had eaten aconite root. The aconite root in the stomach included a high level of mesaconitine. The concentrations of mesaconitine in cardiac blood, liver, and kidney were 69.1ng/ml, 960.9ng/g, and 776.9ng/g, respectively. Case 3: a male in his sixties had drunk liquor in which aconite root had been soaked. The concentrations of mesaconitine and aconitine in cardiac blood were 259.5 and 228.5ng/ml, respectively. The Aconitum alkaloid levels were very high in the liver. The absorption of ethanol and Aconitum alkaloids might have been increased because of his having undergone total gastrectomy. In all three cases, the Aconitum alkaloid levels were high in the liver and kidney and low in the heart and cerebrum. The level in the cerebrum was lower than that in blood. Data on the distribution of the Aconitum alkaloids in the body in cases of aconite poisoning is useful to elucidate various actions of aconite alkaloids.

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