
AbstractThe wheat midge Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) occurred in all wheat-growing areas of Manitoba during 1993–1997, with 95% of spring wheat fields having some seeds infested by larvae. The level of infestation varied, but each year in excess of 20% of seeds were infested in some fields. Infestation levels in adjacent fields were more similar than in fields separated by a few kilometres. Within fields, the infestation was similar at the edge and near the centre. Wheat midge larvae also overwintered in, and adults emerged from, fields in all wheat-growing areas of Manitoba. Adults emerged from the end of June to the end of July most years, and the peak period for adult flight was mid-July, about 1 month later than in parts of Europe where winter wheat predominates. The timing of the emergence was similar from place to place and year to year. Females constituted 95% of insects caught in a flight trap. The first 10% and 50% of the flight occurred on 9 and 16 July, respectively, and the timing of the flight was not related to growing degree-days. In early August, mature larvae began dropping from wheat heads. The timing of infestation of spring wheat was variable among years because of differences in timing between midge flights and the susceptible heading stage of the crop. Nevertheless, the wheat midge flight usually coincided with the susceptible stage of the spring wheat crop.

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