
The study was carried out in Ghyangphedi Buffer Zone area of Lamtang National Park (LNP), Nepal. ‎The objectives of this study were to identify habitat type, draw a distribution map of Red panda, and ‎know its conservation threats in Ghyangphedi, Lamtang National Park. Circular plots with a radius of ‎‎10m were taken for vegetation composition and intensity of human disturbances. The 5m x 5m within ‎‎10m radius circular plots were taken for shrubs and bamboo. A simple random sampling method was used. ‎The presence of red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) was recorded in two blocks (Fedi and Tharepati) of LNP ‎Ghangphedi buffer zone area. The results showed that depending on the faecal pellet group, red pandas ‎appeared at altitudes of 2,900 to 3,600 meters, and the abundance of pellets increased to 3,300 meters ‎and decreased rapidly at higher elevations. This population of red pandas prefered a mostly mixed ‎coniferous forest with a cool broadleaved forest and a bluepine forest. The mixed coniferous forest was ‎dominated by Abies pindrow, Tsuga domosa, Acer campbellii with Symplocos sp, Rhododendron sp(s), ‎Daphene bholua and bamboo undergrowth. The presence signs of the red panda were observed within ‎‎670 meters from the water sources. The bamboo species found at the study site were Drepanostachyum ‎arundinariarecemosa, Drepanostachyum intermedium and Arundinaria falcata. The results showed that ‎the maximum presence signs were observed close to the Arundinaria falcata. The collection of grass, ‎timber, and bamboo was anthropogenic hazards.

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