
Shrimp is a wealth of fishery resources are abundant and has a high economic value in Laguna Segara lagoon. So the existence and habitat of life from larvae to adult need attention to maintain the survival of shrimp. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to know the distribution of abundance and characteristics of shrimp juvenile habitat in Segara Anakan lagoon. Sampling is done 3 times (June, August and October 2013), with 9 stations Observation station. The results showed that the abundance of shrimp based on the amount in Segara Anakan lagoon was dominated by Metapenaeus elegans (205-8723 ind./1000 m2), whereas the abundance of M. ensis, F merguensis, P. semisulcatus and P. monodon relatively low had the same habitat , ie waters with high fertility and relatively low salinity, relatively high pH. Found in Motean observation station, Muara Dua, Kleces and Majingklak. Harpiosquilla annandalei (0-330 ind/1000 m2), P. monodon (0-238 ind/1000 m2), and Acetes sp (0.1-5.196 ind/1000 m2) sounded a lot of water habitat that contain BOT and high zooplankton abundance. Thus the shrimp Harpiosquilla annandalei, P. monodon, and Acetes sp are found in Tritih observation stations, and are quite commonly found in Kleces observation stations. Keywords: abundance, habitat preferences, juvenile shrimp, Segara Anakan Lagoon


  • Dudley (2000) stated that the wealth of Segara Anakan fishery resources is characterized by an abundance of various unique and potential biota including 60 species of fish, 19 species of shrimp

  • Abundance of shrimp based on amount in Segara Anakan lagoon is dominated by Metapenaeus elegans (94.04%), M. ensis (1.58%), P. semisulcatus (1.55%), F. merguensis (1.54%), and P. monodon (1.29%)

  • On the other hand, based on the weight were dominated by Metapenaeus elegans (90.7%), M. ensis (4.9%), F. merguensis (0.3%), P. semisulcatus (0.2%) and P. monodon (4 %)

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Dudley (2000) stated that the wealth of Segara Anakan fishery resources is characterized by an abundance of various unique and potential biota including 60 species of fish, 19 species of shrimp. Penaeid shrimp have a worldwide distribution in tropical and sub-tropical seas, and are the most important biota in estuarine and coastal habitats (de Abreu, Daniela Carvalho, 2017). In the larval phase the species prefers the estuary of the river and when entering the juvenile phase moves from the estuary to the sea, where they grow until they mature and lay eggs (Anand, et al 2014; Kunze, et al 2014 ). These environmental variables can cause differences in the composition of penaeid shrimp species (Anand, et al 2014)

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