
The Hudson River is contaminated with PCBs and a remedial program has been formulated by New York State in order to cope with this toxic pollutant. Over $3 million has been spent to document fully the extent of the PCB contamination in the Upper Hudson River. It appears that over 60% of the PCBs in the riverbed are contained within 40 so called “hot spot” areas, that is, those areas that have PCB concentrations greater than 50 ppm. After evaluating all alternatives, the PCB Reclamation Project was formulated which consists of mechanically or hydraulically dredging the 40 “hot spot” areas and placing the contaminated sediments in a encapsulated land burial facility. Such a facility would meet all federal and state criteria for PCBs disposal. New York is seeking to finance this remedial project through the use of federal funds, that could be obtained either through, the Clean Water Act or through special Congressional legislation or through the Superfund Bill, once it is enacted. The PCB Reclamation Project, if funded this spring, as is presently anticipated, could be completed ny 1983.

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