
Abstract Distribution, abundance, and survival of age-0 muskellunge Esox masquinongy were evaluated at 10 bays in the Thousand Islands section of the St. Lawrence River over a 7-year period, 1990–1996. Muskellunge fry (24 mm) identified with thermal or oxytetracycline otolith markers were stocked in 1990–1992, 1994, and 1996, and fin-clipped fingerlings (76 mm) were stocked in the bays in 1994 and 1996. Success of the stockings was evaluated to examine the feasibility of enhancing bays that have natural reproduction (natural) and establishing populations in unused bays (restoration). Most age-0 muskellunge were found in shallow habitats (<1.5 m), and success of capture by seining decreased with increasing water depth. Estimates of age-0 abundance by mark–recapture and catch–area were not significantly different. Population density ranged from 0 to 42 muskellunge/ha of nursery habitat, and no significant differences were observed between natural (18.8 fish/ha) and restoration bays (20.5 fish/ha). For all y...

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