
This work considers the cooperative sequential hypothesis testing problem in a distributed network with quantized communication channels. The sensors observe independent sequences of samples and in the meantime, exchange their local information in the form of quantized statistics at every sampling interval. The communication links are represented as an undirected graph. In this distributed setup, every sensor performs its own sequential test based on the local samples and the messages from the neighbour sensors. Our goal is to devise the distributed sequential test that comprises the quantization scheme, the message-exchange protocol and the test procedure such that every sensor in the network fully exploits the network diversity and achieves the (asymptotically) optimal performance in terms of the stopping time. In particular, two distributed sequential tests are proposed based on different quantization schemes and a quantized message-exchange protocol that satisfies certain conditions. The first quantization scheme uniformly quantizes the local statistic at each sensor and at every sampling interval; the second one hinges on a modified level-triggered quantization technique, and resembles the Lebesgue sampling of the running local statistic. Our analyses show that the uniform quantization based distributed sequential test yields sub-optimal performance, while the one based on level-triggered quantization achieves the order-2 asymptotically optimal performance at every sensor for any fixed quantization step-size. Furthermore, we generalize the proposed sequential tests to the cluster-based network. Numerical results are provided to corroborate our analyses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed sequential tests.

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