
Cloud storage allowed the data owners to store their data without the burden of local hardware. There were some security concerns because of the cloud being untrusted. To make sure the stored data was intact since it was impractical to download the full data, a security mechanism named integrity check was used. Integrity check was achieved by probabilistic structures such as bloom filter and cuckoo filter. Uploading data file on to one cloud server could be a point of failure, instead the file could be distributed over l servers. Distributed SCFMBF Based Protocol for Integrity in Cloud Storage System (DPICS) was proposed to remotely check data integrity in a more effective way. Smart Cuckoo Filter Modified by Bloom Filter (SCFMBF) was a protocol that improved some of the performance properties of cuckoo filter such as false positive rate and insertion performance and solved some drawbacks of the cuckoo algorithm such as endless loop. Main characteristic of the bloom filter was used to improve cuckoo filter as the protocol name describes. First bloom filter was used as the integrity check method in cloud but bloom filter was not suitable for dynamic environment, SCFMBF was substituted for bloom filter because it had low false positive probability in integrity check and could cope well with dynamic data. How DPICS was more efficient than other previous works, was shown in terms of false positive probability, integrity check and retrievability.

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